An Agnostic Rant

2 min readApr 8, 2020


I don’t think anyone else is thinking about the coronavirus like I am.

No medium, no prophet, no soothsayer prepared us for a calamity of this rate. Sure, the world has known hurricanes, earthquakes, and tsunami’s in this digital age but nothing prepared us for a global shutdown. Shut up, Ye. There are no private jets flying over you. That’s how bad it is.

I wonder what this all means. I wonder what would change. I wonder.

When I ask Christians what they feel, they say its God’s plan. I laugh.

The Muslims? Lol.

This virus shutdown the Kabbah. Shutdown Mecca. Shut down your holy places like it was Quilox on a Friday night. Even shutdown Quilox join. Even Isis suspended its Jihad program. How is this possible? Surely, surely the ruler of the universe would not let something as minute as a virus stop his subservient fans, followers, and creations from worshipping him.

“Who can battle with the lord?”

If anything, I think it goes to show just how misguided humanity has been since the beginning of time. I understand now that religious beliefs are a distraction for weaker minds, a mental contraption designed to keep you from spiraling in the abys that is the fact that nothing really makes sense.

Riddle me this. If your god can fold his omniscient arms and watch his children struggle to breathe and die, watch gleefully (or not) as the morgues in New York are filled up and mobile morgues are quickly invented, cross his omnipotent legs and whistle as humans drop like flies, then of what use is he? This is not a “curse God and die” speech, like Job’s wife. Or is this what this is? A test? I hate that book of scripture where The Devil and God chat like old pals. I refuse to let my initial programming take the lead.

God does not care about me. God does not care about you. Nothing happens for a reason. We are a bag of flesh, meat and bones cursed with sentience and that’s about it. Because if the combined prayers of 7 billion people are not enough to sway your mind, then to hell with you, sir. As The world looks to itself to find healing, looks to the miracle of science, of vaccines, of drug combinations and long hours of empiric knowledge passed down via word of mouth and in textbooks for a cure, I raise a glass to the scientific community. We will conquer. We will triumph. We will prevail. And when we do, the followers would attribute it to the bearded man in the sky. “He gave you the knowledge you used to make the vaccine! Hallowed be his name” .

We will laugh because we know the truth.

Life is pain and then you die.




Written by Senilore

Mind Traveler. Fascinated by Puns, Products and The Ultimate Futility of Existence.

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