I swear I’m going to scream if one more person says Defi to me.

4 min readJan 30, 2022


Editor’s note: I’m giving out 20 NFT’s to 20 people. Read to the end to find out how.

My head hurts.

Every time I think I know something, the world is like “Surprise, Motherf****!”

Samuel L Jackson in Pulp fiction (Miramax 1994)

First, it was crypto then NFT’s, and now degen trading? Can I fucking breathe? I guess the answer is fairly obvious — no. No, because I want to make my mark on the world and it really hurts to be left behind.

Let me just say, this title is very misleading. If one more person says defi to me, I’ll scream teach me, because the world is changing and I will not be left behind. Facebook just changed its name to Meta (the ‘phorical is silent, of course) and there's now real talk of living in the internet, not on it. I need to be part of this new world, be Christopher Columbus on a mission; be in the new frontier, and still have a lot of fun in the process.

Over the last 10 years, I've tweeted a load of stuff. Over 90% of them are hot trash as one quick glance at my Twitter page will prove to you. Like a Kleptomaniac in a toilet, I’m just not the type to take shit, seriously. However, with time and retweets, it has become second nature, wielding words for the fun of it but mostly for that tiny laugh people always have when they miss a good joke. I have become — in a way, addicted to these smiles, that playful punch on the arm — that “you’re crazy!” and “We will tie you one day.” These jives have been enough to keep me satisfied even when nothing else in my life seemed to have a direction…

I tend to take my humor too far, maybe I can take it as far as the blockchain.

As I went through my old Twitter gems from 2012 and up, I realized I had tweeted over 1000 jokes, puns, and funny anecdotes over the last ten or so years. The sheer number of “Dad jokes” both amazed and amused my pun-loving followers. In August 2021, I started collecting and collating them, unsure of my eventual goal but seeking to store these little bits and pieces of me till I found a higher purpose for them

Meanwhile, it's the first quarter of 2022 and holy moly are things heating up fast. Shiba literally did 1000% last year (yeah, all dogs go to heaven for real) and NFT’s are the new shiznit. Collections, minting, generative art, I’ve seen them all — from frogs to apes to Afrodroids, it's obvious this shift in the zeitgeist is here to stay. Traditional banking techniques and centralization are undergoing a renaissance as we look away from authorities and take matters into our own hands. The question is, how do I blend my love for bad jokes into this emerging crypto-verse?


The puns are getting re-played. If you don't get it, forgerraboutit

Today, I’m officially launching Pundeyreplay: The Pun Series and Pundeyreplay: The Polygon Pun Series, a webcomic and sequence of bad jokes stored on the blockchain and animated by monster illustrator/personal wingman, DreaMajek. We’ve collaborated previously on a couple of projects, from this fire mashup video (from my days of making beats) to Fox in a box, a story of anthropomorphic characters caught in a bad situation. The goal is to create a comic strip around my past tweets and mint the good ones so anyone anywhere in the world can simultaneously laugh and own the rights to a joke.

I mean, who wouldn't want this on a T shirt?

I believe humor is one of the most important things in this world — something to share, something that sparks conversation, something that brings smiles to people’s faces and makes the world just a little bit brighter. I hope to build a community of joke lovers from all the nations of the world, connecting hearts and minds through the magic of the blockchain and the gift of comedy.

I may fail but who cares? At the end of the day, all of life is one big joke.

To end this, I’ll be giving out a bunch of free PDR NFT’s on February 1st, 2022 via @Quickiepaedia so newcomers in the NFT space can get a chance to own a piece of the metaverse. As we all know, you never forget your first time.




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Magic Eden — Coming soon..




Written by Senilore

Mind Traveler. Fascinated by Puns, Products and The Ultimate Futility of Existence.

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